Hunter Education Course!
Hunter Education class offered next week. Youths 11 and older interested in hunting, trapping and other outdoor sports need to complete the 2020 hunter-education course. It starts with an online part, which can be found at A required in-person class will be from 6 to 9 p.m. Friday, Aug. 14, in the Little Theater at the Colby Community Building. Then Saturday, Aug. 15, the Northwest Kansas Hunter Education Field Day will run from 8 a.m. to 12:15 p.m. at the Colby Trap Club, five miles west and a mile south of U.S. 24. Preregister at the Colby Country Trader Gun Shop no later than next Thursday.
Activities include shotgunning and muzzle loading, archery, fur harvesting and a trail walk. All three parts must be completed to earn a certificate. For information, contact Kevin Klag at the Kansas Department of Wildlife, Parks and Tourism at (785) 462-3367.