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WPAA (Tentative) Season Schedule
Tentative Schedule for 2020-2021
Doors will open approximately 30 minutes before each show starts.
3:00 p.m. at the Oakley High School Auditorium
Formerly called En Power and Light, Lezlee and Paul will perform a variety of pieces.
Notice for Kansans
Beginning on October 26th through October 30th, the Atwood Police Department will join other Kansas law enforcement agencies to stop what has been likened to an epidemic in Kansas. In 2019, 8 children ages 0-13 lost their lives due to car crashes in Kansas. Sadly, 62% of those children were not wearing their seat belts.
Press Release: Rawlins County Health Needs Assessment (CHNA)
Rawlins County is conducting a Community Health Needs Assessment (CHNA) from October 1 through 31. The purpose of this assessment is to identify major community health challenges, gaps in service, and other factors that may contribute to unmet health needs locally.
“We hope that every Rawlins County resident, ages 18 and over, will participate in the survey,” said Karla Heble, Rawlins County Health Officer. “All of the health service providers in the county - whether medical, dental, vision, or other alternative medicine – need to understand what the true needs of our residents are, what prevents people from receiving care, and how we can improve services to better meet those needs.”
2020 Youth Basketball League Open
Registration is now open for our 2020 Youth Basketball League through Colby Recreation! The registration fee of $35 includes a 6-game season with a uniform and all equipment provided by Colby Recreation, plus a trophy at the completion of the season!
Divisions offered are... 1st-2nd Grade Boys, 1st-2nd Grade Girls, 3rd-4th Grade Boys, 3rd-4th Grade Girls, 5th-6th Grade Boys and 5th-6th Grade Girls
Registration Deadline: October 9th
NW Kansas Hunter Education Field Day

Activities include shotgunning and muzzle loading, archery, fur harvesting and a trail walk. All three parts must be completed to earn a certificate. For information, contact Kevin Klag at the Kansas Department of Wildlife, Parks and Tourism at (785) 462-3367.
Rawlins County Fair Week and the Adam Capps Band!

Monday, July 13
Pre-registration date for all 4-H exhibits
Tuesday, July 14
5:00 p.m. Dog Obedience and Showmanship
Thursday, July 16
9:00 a.m. Clothing Construction & Buymanship
judging at Redeemer Lutheran Church
Friday, July 17
8:00 a.m. Horse Show
Saturday, July 18
8:30 a.m. – Noon: Pre Fair Clean Up
8:00 p.m. Music by Adam Capps Band at Lake Park (Picture Right)
Sunday, July 19
1:00 p.m. Rocket Launch, Atwood Airport
Options Mobile App is Launched
Options also hosts weekly support groups. Colby support groups are Tuesdays at 5:30 p.m. Please call the office, 785-625-4202, for more information.
Options Domestic & Violence Services 24-hour hotline is 800-794-4624. They provide services to EVERYONE. Adults, children, women, men, and the LGBTQ+ community. No matter who you are, they are here to help with healing, hope, and practical solutions. You are not alone!
Re-Opening Kansas Information
Update 5/22/2020: A modified Phase Two is listed Here. This phase started on May 22nd.
Key Notes for the modified Phase 2:
Grab 'N Go Lunch Option for Colby and Atwood

USD 315 Grab 'N Go Lunch Option
-Who: The program is open and available to all “children” ages 1 to 18
(This part hasn’t changed)
-What:“Free” curb side Grab ‘N Go Lunch and Breakfast
(This part hasn’t changed either)
-Where: Site #1: Colby Middle School, 750 W. Third Street
Site #2: Colby United Methodist Church, 950 S. Franklin Ave.
(Entering North Driveway off Pine Street)
(This has changed with the dropping of the South Range location)
-When: May 25, 2020 through July 31, 2020
Monday through Friday
11:30am – 12:30pm
(The time has also changed to 1 hour)
If there are any questions, please direct them to Lynn Carpenter, 785-460-5240 or email Lynn at
CCC Dental Hygiene Clinic is Open
Images and findings can be electronically sent to the patient's dental office. Treatments that patients will receive:
C3 Canned Food Drive This Friday
Celebration Community Church is hosting a canned goods drive for Genesis from 5:00 to 7:00 p.m. at 1923 South Range Ave. on Friday, May 8th. This is a community wide food drive to help give to Genesis who has been so giving throughout this difficult time for many. After you drop off your goods, be sure to support a local restaurant or business! For more information, call the church at 785-460-1973.
Pet Food Bank Opens
CCC Enrichment Workshop (Free Online)

Loan Opportunities for Area Businesses!
A new Restart Thomas County Loan Fund offers donors a high-value, low-cost chance to help local businesses restart after the Covid-19 shutdown. Contributors get a 75-percent state tax credit. Sixty percent goes to the local fund, 40 percent to boost entrepreneurship and businesses across Kansas.
That means a $100 donation costs $25 and provides $60 in loans; a $10,000 donation costs $2,500 and provides $6,000 in loans.
“If they’re looking for a way to help businesses in Thomas County, they’re not going to find anything that’s going to have more impact,” says Vernon Hurd, executive director of the Thomas County Economic Development Alliance. “Businesses are hurting.”
Colby United Methodist Church Volunteers

The Colby United Methodist Church is offering anyone not able to pick up their RX from Walmart or Dillons to call the church at 460-2761. Palace Drug does offer curbside and delivery services.
Any well and able persons who are interested in placing their name on a volunteer master list, please contact Kim Barnett at the Colby United Methodist Church. Any group needing volunteers, please contact her as well. Call the church at 460-2761.
"Mom, I'm Bored!"- New Links Added!
It's important that I have ideas that either require her to spend time alone, or activities I can join in on. It usually ends up with me offering her a solo activity with the promise that we can do something together when I've finished working, cooking, whatever. I call it the curse of the only child.
If you're looking for ideas for your children without your help, try these!:
Colby Chamber Picture/Logo Contest
KCC extends emergency order suspending utility disconnects until May 15
KCC extends emergency order suspending utility disconnects until May 15
Citing the continued threat of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Kansas Corporation Commission used its emergency powers to extend a previous order suspending utility disconnects for nonpayment until May 15. The action, taken during a Commission business meeting this morning, will offer continued relief to those experiencing hardship from the COVID-19 virus. The previous order, issued March 16, was set to expire tomorrow.
The directive covers all electrical, natural gas, water and telecommunications utilities under the KCC’s jurisdiction, several of which have already voluntarily suspended disconnects. The Commission also encourages those utilities not under its jurisdiction to enact similar practices.
“The difficulties associated with COVID-19 are far from over. As Kansans continue to face both health and financial challenges, it is critical that they have continued access to utility services in their homes to ensure public safety,” said Commission Chair Susan Duffy.
The Commission may elect to extend the suspension order in a subsequent order if conditions warrant.
Today’s order can be viewed at:
How Do You Use Your Bullet Journal?
The Bullet Journal is a new trend this year- and for a good reason! The possibilities are endless with pages about cleaning, daily routines, mood trackers, work productivity and more available. The Bullet Journal, according to Ryder Carroll, the inventor, started out as a way "to help you track the past, organize the present, and plan for the future." With all of those doors open, it's easy to get overwhelmed.
Blood Drive in the Atwood Community
Emergency Food Pick-up on Monday
Food Pantry Open in Rawlins County
The Rawlins County Food Pantry is open from the alley at 510 Main on Thursdays from 1:00 to 3:00 p.m. Anyone who finds these hours difficult to meet should call one of the Atwood Pastors who are members of the Ministerial Alliance.
Financial Minute on KYVZ
Need Help with Zoom Meetings?
Are you transitioning to Zoom and need a little more help learning how to work it? Thomas County Extension will be hosting an online "How to Zoom" to show you how to work Zoom during a meeting. Join them April 6th from 12 - 1 p.m. or April 9th from 5:30 - 6:30 p.m. Contact Emily Bennigsdorf at to register or to schedule a different time for Zoom help.
Press Release: Fraud Alert for Thomas County Businesses!
Contact: Vernon Hurd, Executive Director
Phone: 785-460-4511
Colby, Kansas -- Vernon Hurd, Executive Director of the Thomas County Economic Development Alliance has received reports from Thomas County business owners who have been contacted by individuals representing themselves as able to guarantee approval for U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) Economic Injury Disaster Loans if they engage their services. “In each instance,” Hurd said “the businesses were guaranteed approval once they completed the application and provided their banking information. They were told the banking information was necessary for upfront payment of the application fee and then also to receive direct deposit of the loan amount.”
The SBA does not initiate contact for disaster loans or grants. If you are contacted by someone
promising to get approval of an SBA loan, but requires any payment up front or offers a high interest
bridge loan in the interim, suspect fraud. SBA limits the fees a broker can charge a borrower to 3% for loans $50,000 or less and 2% for loans $50,000 to $1,000,000 with an additional ¼% on amounts over $1,000,000. Any attempt to charge more than these fees is inappropriate.
Mr. Hurd stated, “If a business needs any assistance completing the application process for an Economic Injury Disaster Loan you should feel free to contact our office.” Mr. Hurd has completed training to provide technical assistance and receives regular updates about changes to the program. He may be reached at 785-460-4511.
Businesses are also cautioned to be aware of phishing scams. If you are in the process of applying for
an SBA loan and receive email correspondence asking for PII, ensure that the referenced application
number is consistent with the actual application number. Any email communication from SBA will come from accounts ending with
Look out for phishing attacks/scams utilizing the SBA logo. These may be attempts to obtain your
personally identifiable information (PII),to obtain personal banking access, or to install
ransomware/malware on your computer. The presence of an SBA logo on a webpage does not
guarantee the information is accurate or endorsed by SBA. Please cross-reference any information you receive with information available at
Report any suspected fraud to the SBA Office of the Inspector General’s Hotline at 800-767-0385.
Social Distancing Egg Hunt
Department of Labor Information
Notice from Citizens Health
Make a Goal to Stay Positive
News is always at our fingertips, and it moves quickly! With the amount of information being thrust at us, it's easy to become overwhelmed and drop into a negative mindset, especially if we're stuck at home.
Behold! A list of ways to retain positivity:
- Look up uplifting and inspiring quotes
-Bonus: Research the amazing people behind the quotes. - Bake Something, bread or sweets, your family will thank you!
-Try this amazing banana bread recipe. - Go outside and breathe the fresh air. If it's too cold or hot, just open the windows for ten minutes to let it circulate!
- Drink Water. Seriously. Just do it. Dehydration causes anger, fear and fatigue.
- Push the STOP button when negative thoughts creep in- it's easy to fall down that rabbit hole and dwell. Recognize and stop those thoughts in their tracks and throw in a positive. It's amazing how many more will follow, unprovoked.
- Listen to music. Find the sounds that are so happy, you are unable to keep the negative mindset.
- Grab a coloring book and lose yourself in the sweet nothing of coloring. Then you have a pretty picture for your fridge!
- Exercise! Take a walk. It has an amazing ability to clear your mind. (Just practice social distancing)
- Take on a project- big or small- that's been weighing down your to-do list.
- Practice Gratitude. It's as easy as saying thank you.
- Write Letters! Send a letter to your grandparents. Write a thank you card (even an old leftover valentines) to your teacher. Anyone! It will make their day.
- Clean or organize shelves, drawers, pantry, etc.- it's proven that cleaning up the clutter creates a positive attitude.
- Tap into your creativity- do a puzzle, journal, paint, draw... the options are endless.
- Read a book! Better yet, read to learn something new.
Remember, we aren't always able to spend this much time with family, so make sure you enjoy it to the fullest! Put down your phone once in awhile 😉. Stay positive, friends.
Looking for Information about COVID-19?
Stuck Inside? Try this Banana Bread Recipe!
Banana bread is a wonderful way to up-cycle those rotting bananas into something the kids (and the inner child in yourself!) will de-Molish. So wash those hands and head into the kitchen.
All you need is:
- 2-3 ripe bananas
- 1/3 cup butter- melted
- 1 teaspoon baking soda
- Pinch of salt
- 1/2 to 3/4 cup of sugar
- 1 large egg- beaten
- 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
- 1 1/2 cup flour
Chelsea K's Tip: Add some chocolate chips into the batter for the picky eater in your life!