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Easter Hunts

In McDonald:
Held at Wheat Haven Home starting at 11:00 a.m. on April 8th with lunch following. The hunt is sponsored by McDonald Area Development.

In Atwood:
There will be an Easter Egg Hunt for children up through 5th grade at 10:00 a.m. on Saturday, April 8th at the high school football field in Atwood. Hosted by Radiant Chapter Eastern Star.

In Colby:
Colby Kiwanis Easter Egg Hunt is for children 1-9 years old and will be held Saturday, April 1st at Fike Park beginning at 10 a.m.. Over 1,800 plastic eggs will be filled with coins, candy and local business coupons. There are 3 divisions of hunting eggs in this order: 0-3 years old, 4-7 years old and 7-9 years old. Parents are encouraged to assist the younger children in finding the eggs. Families are encouraged to bring their own baskets/bags to collect the eggs. Kiwanians will not be buying back the plastic eggs in 2023. For more information, contact Deryl Waldren, Kiwanis Club of Thomas County - Colby

In Herndon:
Herndon's Easter Egg Hunt begins at 10:00 a.m. on Saturday, April 8th